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The Curriculum at Lings

Our aim

We endeavour to provide a broad, rich and rigorous curriculum which provides opportunities for all children to develop a fascination for the world around them and learn a variety of skills and knowledge in a range of subjects. We seek to provide academic excellence through a carefully planned, sequenced and evidence-based curriculum which includes opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. We have considered the learning and enrichment experiences that we want children to have while they are pupils at Lings Primary School when constructing the school’s curriculum. This will provide a depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding that will allow all children a strong start to their educational journey and help them become successful citizens both during and beyond their time at the school.

What is our curriculum?

Our curriculum begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage where we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework. This framework specifies the requirements for learning and development in the Early Years and provides specific areas of learning that we must work towards with our children.

In Years 1 to 6, we follow the National Curriculum which is a set of subjects and standards used by most schools. This specifies what subjects should be taught and the standards to be reached in each of them. We have ensured that our curriculum is robust, aspirational and varied, with substantial coverage across all National Curriculum subjects.

We recognise the importance of subject integrity with each subject having its own place on the school timetable. Each subject offers a unique range of knowledge and skills, providing a unique lens through which to build understanding and appreciation of the world around us.

Our approach to each individual subject is explained here.

We work both within school and alongside colleagues from other schools in Northampton Primary Academy Trust to develop our expertise of curriculum and learning. Our school has an overall curriculum lead as well as subject leaders for each individual subject. All staff are equipped with the necessary curriculum knowledge and expertise to deliver each subject effectively, whilst we have an ongoing programme of development that includes all curriculum subject areas. Teaching approaches are built around the most effective strategies for long-term learning and the curriculum is rooted in cognitive science, including the deliberate sequencing of content to support the development of a child’s overall understanding.


Every child, regardless of their background, is entitled to the best version of our curriculum. Equal opportunities are given to everyone. Staff engage critically with our curriculum, thinking hard about how plans or resources can be tailored to suit their classroom context and individual pupil needs. Staff will adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all learners, identifying any barriers to learning and providing additional scaffolds, resources or modifications to overcome these.