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01604 410369

Hayeswood Road, Lings
Northampton, NN3 8NN

Welcome to Tull and Pankhurst ClassesWalter Tull and Emily Pankhurst are examples of two strong people from history who both dedicated their lives to equality and fairness, which we try and always demonstrate.   

In Year 5, we work hard to develop our resilience as learners- we are aware that mistakes are an integral part of our continuous learning journey. We always set the standard and aim to produce work of the highest possible standard. We have many amazing learning opportunities throughout the school year and embrace every chance to learn with enthusiasm, effort and ambition.

We develop our learning skills and strategies through independent and collaborative learning, showing respect for our peers. We demonstrate good communication and listening skills because, as learners, it is vital that we can communicate what we have learnt to others.

Miss Clark & Miss Brian


Year Group Documents