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01604 410369

Hayeswood Road, Lings
Northampton, NN3 8NN

At Lings Primary we strive to ensure individual pupil’s needs are clearly identified and specific strategies, support and resources are put into place to support learning at all levels. Quality first teaching together with interventions are used to support misconceptions and enhance learning on a daily basis. Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children within our school and provide materials appropriate to children’s interests and abilities.  This ensures that all children have a full access to our school’s curriculum.

Our Inclusion Team consists of Mrs Whiting (Inclusion Lead), Mrs Matthews (SENDCo), Mrs Mann (Lead Family Support Worker) and Miss Fox (Family Support Worker.                                      

Lings has a strong Inclusion Team who are very experienced in dealing with SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities), family support and safeguarding. Mrs Mann and Miss Fox (Family Support Workers) are available to work with pupils and their families. This may include supporting pupils in school with social and emotional difficulties or helping families in difficult circumstances. Mrs Whiting and Mrs Matthews are both qualified SENDCos with experience of using the SEND Code of Practice to ensure pupils receive the appropriate levels of support. We are able to support school staff with finding the best ways to support pupils with SEND in school and will make referrals to outside agencies to help and guide us with this when necessary.

Please see our latest Inclusion Policy (below) which incorporates our Special Educational Needs Information Report

If you require any further information, please contact our SEND Co-ordinator, Mrs Matthews, or our Inclusion Lead, Mrs Whiting.

01604 410369                   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

West Northamptonshire Council’s Local Offer

The Local Offer publishes services available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities.