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Hayeswood Road, Lings
Northampton, NN3 8NN


At Lings we believe that an understanding of local, national and global history is vital to an understanding of ourselves. Teaching beings where the child is, so KS1 topics focus mainly on local (the Great fire of Northampton, the Boot and Shoe industry) and national (Queen Elizabeth, Christopher Colombus, the Great fire of London) events and people.  In Lower KS2, children will being to explore longer periods of time (The Stone Age, The Iron Age, The Vikings) but also events and periods in other countries (the Romans, the Egyptians). By upper KS2, children will explore periods of conflict and the impact of these on a global scale (World War 1, World War 2).  Meanwhile, local history will continue to be developed, where relevant during national topic,  but will also be celebrated with work on Walter Tull during the Year 5 World War 1 unit.

History is taught at Lings in line with the NPAT History curriculum (which is, in term, informed by the National Curriculum). This enables children to know more about the past, to think critically, weigh evidence and to develop their own perspective and judgement. 

Connections in the curriculum are made in three ways. First,  horizontally - e.g. in Year 3 term 1, children will learn about Romans and their impact on Britain, followed by an investigation into the Anglo-Saxons, later in the year, during which they will compare and contrast the two civilastions. Then, vertical links will also be made explicit through teaching, for example in Year 6 children will compare aspcts of World War Two to World War One which is studied in Year 5. Finally, diagonal links will be made, particularly where this is cross-curricular. e.g. links between history and geography - such as The Romans (History) with Natural Disasters - Pompeii (Geography) and Ancient Egypt (History) with From Nene to Nile (Geography).


History is taught in 3 terms throughout the year, alternating with the study of geography. The key knowledge and skills that children acquire and develop throughout each block have been mapped to ensure progression between year groups throughout the school.

At the beginning of each new history topic, teachers refer to timelines to develop children’s understanding of chronology. Each topic is introduced with reference to the chronology of previous topics (including those from previous years – see Vertical links above).  

Knowledge organisers will be shared with pupils and parents and used thoughout the topic - with quizzes,  fill in the gap and regular retrieval activities. Each organizer will have a similar layout but also with a sense of progression across the school.

Cross curricular outcomes in history are specifically planned for including work with maps, use of online resources, use of graphs/tables, sketching of historical artefacts, links to Art (e.g. Clay modelling in Year 5 linked to Ancient Greece) and regular reading and writing opportunities.

The history curriculum at Lings is designed to ensure diversity in the historical figures that children learn about throughout their time at Lings. 

Planning and resources are provided to give every teacher the knowledge and resources needed to teach the subject well.  However teachers will continue to cater for the needs of their learners, including ensuring an appropriate level of challenge and differentiating tasks as necessary.

Monitoring of work is carried out regularly through lesson drop ins, pupil interviews and book moderation.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year.


Outcomes in topic and literacy books (where relevant) evidence a broad and balanced history curriculum across the school, with clear progression in the level of work,  depth of coverage and acquisition of key knowledge.

Children in our school display a curiosity for the past and a coherent knowledge and understanding of their own local, national and global history. 


Subject Documents