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The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act, and provides a single, consolidated source of discrimination law, covering all the types of discrimination that are unlawful. It simplifies the law by removing anomalies and inconsistencies that had developed over time in the existing legislation, and it extends the protection from discrimination in certain areas. 

The Single Equality Act reflects the Government’s commitment, ‘to narrowing gaps, and to tackling the barriers to equal opportunities and social mobility which hold individuals back and bring heavy social and economic costs. Equality is central to building a strong economy and fairer society. It underpins the Coalition’s guiding principles of freedom, fairness and responsibility’. 

The Government believes that they need to reform education to tackle educational inequality, which has widened in recent years. They believe, ‘that too many children are held back by disadvantage and discrimination. We want to build a fair society where social mobility is unlocked; where everyone, regardless of background, has the chance to succeed.

We welcome the fact that the Equality Act gives us all an opportunity to do this in a more streamlined and effective way’.